educational materials




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1·We publish all our research and educational materials and make them available for free on our website.
2·Those illustrations and animations end up everywhere from press releases to educational materials to the History Channel.
这些插图和动画被制作完成以后,将会出现在各个场合,新闻稿要用,教育资料要用,甚至历史频道(History Channel)的科教节目也要用到它们。
3·While I am at home with my baby, I am still able to connect to the world and search for any educational materials I need.
4·Variety of books, videos, posters and other educational materials suggested by the experts are given for the educational store.
5·More than 3, 500 types of educational materials in various ethnic languages and more than 100 million copies are printed every year, he said.
每年印刷出版3500多种不同民族语言的教材,1亿多版本。 他说。
6·Objective To provide some educational materials about health care for clinic nurse ordinary work by investigating the anxiety in elderly patients.
7·Broadcast educational materials about personal hygiene, environmental hygiene and proper hand wash method on the information display system on campus.
8·This final study is especially interesting, as it demonstrates how the logic of open software "modulates" and influences another field - educational materials.
9·Each fellow's employer will be expected to cover the US$5,000 cost of the three-month session, including tuition, room-and-board and educational materials.
每一学员之雇主将负担为期三月课程之 5,000 美金的费用,这包含学费、食宿及教材费用。
10·Peter Renton is an expert on the growing peer-to-peer lending industry and the founder of lend Academy, the leading source of educational materials on the industry.
P 2 P借贷近年来不断增长,行业先锋资讯LendAcademy的创始人彼得·伦顿无疑是这个领域的专家。